

Botti Chiropractic & Wellness | Acupuncture in Frankfort, IL

Alternative therapies are often preferred by many patients, especially those suffering from chronic conditions. Of these, acupuncture is one type of treatment that can help relieve pain and it is used for a wide range of health conditions. The benefits of acupuncture are extensive, helping patients live a more fruitful and enjoyable life. Additionally, this unconventional treatment option may also help alleviate the emotional and physical effects of an unhealthy environment.

This is precisely why at, Botti Chiropractic & Wellness, we offer acupuncture in Frankfort, IL.

racing back the roots to China, acupuncture is a 2500-year-old therapy, where an acupuncturist inserts needles into a patient’s body – with the aim of balancing their energy. There are several studies that claim acupuncture to be a potent method of boosting overall health and cure chronic illnesses. During an acupuncture consultation, we can share some of the most prominent cases that support this ancient treatment option. Today, many patients prefer to use it for varying conditions like blood pressure, headachesmuscle pains, and more!

Balancing the Patient’s Flow

Acupuncture is based upon the idea that the way energy flows through the body influences its health and wellness. Roadblocks in this energy flow can lead to discomfort or disease. Therefore, through undergoing acupuncture, it can help in balancing the flow of energy at specific points in the body. In this, thin, metallic needles are penetrated into the skin and manipulated electrically or manually. This therapy gained importance in the United States and Europe somewhere around the year 1972. Ever since, it has been a rage amongst those who want to try an unconventional method of treating an ailment.

With that being said, there are many different techniques and forms of acupuncture, all depending on the professional, location, and region. What remains constant with this treatment are the immense and expansive benefits, some of which we discussed above.

Benefits of Acupuncture

  • Relieves Stress: Stress is a destructive menace that has been robbing people of their health and vigor in today’s fact-edged world. Many patients who seek acupuncture do it to relieve stress and keep their mental balance from tipping the scales. Some acupuncture techniques have been proven to be useful in lowering stress by regulating the production of hormones and reducing anxiety.
  • Alleviates Pain: Whether you are suffering from migraine, an uncomfortable headache, or a back pain, Acupuncture provides pain relief while reducing the inflammation and swelling.
  • Improves Immunity: As the energies in the body start to balance, body circulation improves. This helps to strengthen the body in numerous ways. One positive effect is that it aids in improving the immunity of the body and its ability to fight pathogens.
  • Enhances Digestive Health: If your digestion isn’t in order, your overall health will definitely suffer one way or another. Acupuncture can help regulate digestion and strengthen the system, keeping you fit, healthy and happy. During your acupuncture sessions, we will talk a bit more about the role of diet and digestive health to help maximum results.
  • Helps with Allergies: Acupuncture has helped many who suffer from allergies. Before the allergy season begins, indulging in an acupuncture session or two can help prevent and reduce the symptoms. It can be used as a supplemental therapy with your regular antihistamines.
  • Boosts Energy: Whether you are working or just doing your daily house chores, don’t you want to feel productive, energetic, and excited? Acupuncture patients have reported mental clarity and feeling energetic after undergoing a session. It also helps in treating sleep issues, like insomnia, and is sometimes helpful for patients suffering from dementia or paranoia.

What to Expect at Botti Chiropractic & Wellness?

The experts at Botti Chiropractic & Wellness are trained to offer the highest quality chiropractic care and acupuncture treatments. Here, you will find some of the most experienced and compassionate team of acupuncturists in Frankfort, IL, passionate in helping you alleviate pain once and for all.

Some of our experts use concepts of neuroscience to assist when performing acupuncture. After understanding your condition, our experts will determine which pressure points on your body should be involved in the treatment to deliver the best results. They will work on a stimulation process that will not only increase the blood circulation but also reduce any pain. The best part about getting yourself treated at our Frankfort chiropractic office is our team of acupuncturists, their experience, and dedication to helping the patients.

Cost of Acupuncture

Acupuncture, just like other alternative therapies, alongside chiropractic care, is a specialized method of treating an ailment without involving heavily involving medications or opioids. The process starts with identifying the best pressure points, penetrating needles through those locations, and applying manual or electrical stimulation.

Now, when it comes to the cost, it can vary on a couple of factors. First, the number of sessions that a patient may require is the largest influence on cost. Next, the type of stimulation required – manual or electrical – which is often based on each patient’s condition, is the second variable that directly influences the cost of acupuncture. If your concern is cost, give our Frankfort chiropractor office a call and we can share all the specifics with you. We do accept insurance plans – and offer financing options.

Schedule Your Acupuncture Treatment at Botti Chiropractic & Wellness Today!

If you are frustrated with constant pain, tired of body aches, or are under great stress in life, give acupuncture a try. It’s the one treatment that is often overlooked by many patients in Frankfort – but a treatment we highly recommend at Botti Chiropractic & Wellness. It’s our goal to help alleviate pain once and for all – as we believe you deserve a life without pain.

Get in touch with Botti Chiropractic & Wellness and our acupuncturists will offer the best care in Frankfort, IL. You can schedule a consultation session with Dr. Valentino Botti, who has been practicing in the realm of chiropractic treatments and alternative therapies for many years. Under his guidance and care, you will be able to embrace a healthier and happier life free of any physical or mental disease.

Book your appointment online or call us at (708) 717-5947.

Office Hours


9:00 am - 7:00 pm


9:00 am - 7:00 pm


9:00 am - 1:00 pm


9:00 am - 7:00 pm


9:00 am - 1:00 pm



