Knee, Hip and Ankle Pain

Knee, Hip and Ankle Pain in Frankfort, IL

Botti Chiropractic & Wellness | Chiropractor Frankfort

Injuries affecting the lower limb are very common in all walks of life and can affect anyone at any age. As it is the case with most of our body parts, there are pain-sensitive structures in the hip, knee and ankle. The structures can be sources of pain and discomfort. The most important element is to find out what is causing the pain in your hip, knee or ankle.  At Botti Chiropractic & Wellness, we make sure that the underlying cause of pain is first identified and this may include sending you out for further medical tests and investigations. Our work is to make sure that we deal with the problem in a non-invasive manner.

What Cause Knee, Hip and Ankle Pain?

The following are some of the most common causes of pain in the hip joint, Knee and ankle:

  • Referred Pain: If there is an irritated nerve in the spine, the pain might be experienced in the hip and leg. This kind of pain is also associated with numbness and tingling sensation. The pain can also be referred from lower back, pelvis, hip or pubic bone. Pain in the knee, hip, or ankle can result from a problem in the spine joints and pelvis region.
  • Vertebrae disc injury: Radiculopathy, trapped nerve or slipped disc can lead to pain in the leg.
  • Tissue injury: Trauma injuries such as ligaments, sprained joint, meniscus and joint capsules can be a cause of pain. These injuries are mostly caused by sports, tumbles, falls, or any other activity that might lead to the overstretching of these joints beyond their normal abilities.
  • Tendonitis: Repetitive movement or overuse of a particular joint can lead to tendon inflammation such as knee and Achilles tendon inflammation causing a lot of pain.
  • Joint Degeneration: There are factors that can lead to the degeneration of the hip and knee joint and sometimes ankle joint. The degeneration can be a great source of pain in these joints.
  • Muscle strain: Physical injuries can lead to muscle strain near the hip, knee, and ankle resulting in pain.

How Chiropractic Treatment Can Help

At Botti Chiropractic & Wellness we are dedicated to keeping you moving without pain or discomfort. We focus on restoring our patients’ natural state of optimal health. We achieve this through experience, skills and modern equipment. Our treatment approach is through physical and massage therapy. This is to ensure that the treatment does not come with side effects like most medications. We first look at the cause of the pain and start solving the problem from there.  We target tensions, pressure, imbalance and any other elements that might be interfering with the natural ability of your body to heal itself and maintain good health. This eliminates the possibility of dealing with side effects or invasive treatment methods.

If you are dealing with knee or hip and ankle pain, call us today and book an appointment or talk to us about any health condition you are currently facing.

Office Hours


9:00 am - 7:00 pm


9:00 am - 7:00 pm


9:00 am - 1:00 pm


9:00 am - 7:00 pm


9:00 am - 1:00 pm



