Is Postural Rehabilitation For Me?

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Is Postural Rehabilitation For Me?

For people suffering from chronic pain or joint pain, postural rehabilitation at Botti Chiropractic & Wellness in Oak Lawn, IL is sure to bring about immense relief. Chiropractic treatments are known to comprehensively address and fix issues related to muscle pain and joint stress, and pain arising out of postural problems. During the course of life, almost all of us tend to develop certain posture habits that often assume the form of a disorder or discrepancy later in life. Postural rehabilitation seeks to address such issues by making use of a posture-based approach.

Causes of pain in the muscles or in the joints

Our bodies are not perfectly symmetrical on the left and the right sides; this is how nature has designed us. Often, this leads us to develop certain fixed patterns of motion such as a dominant hand and a dominant leg. This, in turn, leads to the overuse of it and disuse of its counterpart, which results in an imbalance in strength and weakness. All of this gives rise to chronic pain, joint pain, muscle tension, etc. Other consequences include reduced flexibility, reduced strength, reduced range of motion (ROM), and poor posture.

Postural rehabilitation; the treatment

Postural restoration is a physical therapy treatment that holistically addresses musculoskeletal problems by improving postural symmetry. It seeks to maximize neutrality in one’s body so that common postural patterns of the body may be corrected. Besides improving postural adaptations, it also improves the function of the respiratory system in our bodies. The postural rehab program is comprised of a number of exercises specifically designed to achieve a neutral posture. At the beginning of the treatment, simple exercises include lying down, sitting, and standing are stressed upon. Later, as the treatment progresses, you will be guided to try new positions to engage the muscles.

Who can benefit?

Postural rehabilitation adopts a posture-based approach to physical medicine. At Botti Chiropractic & Wellness, we seek to improve a patient’s postural symmetry at the pelvis and trunk, which relieves the stresses that are responsible for joint pain and soft tissue pain. Postural rehabilitation is known to benefit people suffering from conditions such as chronic pain, back, hip or sciatica pain, joint sprains/strainsneck pain, vertigo, knee painfoot painarthritis, spinal cord injuries, and headaches. Also, those facing difficulties with walking or running, and breathing will find relief.

Contact Botti Chiropractic & Wellness and Schedule an Appointment Today

Dr. Valentino Botti, a renowned Oak Lawn chiropractor, has had an immaculate track record of successfully treating people suffering from a number of musculoskeletal conditions. If you or somebody you know is suffering from pain or other related issues mentioned previously, get in touch with Dr. Botti by scheduling an appointment today!

Is Postural Rehabilitation For Me?

For people suffering from chronic pain or joint pain, postural rehabilitation at Botti Chiropractic & Wellness in Oak Lawn, IL is sure to bring about immense relief. Chiropractic treatments are known to comprehensively address and fix issues related to muscle pain and joint stress, and pain arising out of postural problems. During the course of life, almost all of us tend to develop certain posture habits that often assume the form of a disorder or discrepancy later in life. Postural rehabilitation seeks to address such issues by making use of a posture-based approach.

Causes of pain in the muscles or in the joints

Our bodies are not perfectly symmetrical on the left and the right sides; this is how nature has designed us. Often, this leads us to develop certain fixed patterns of motion such as a dominant hand and a dominant leg. This, in turn, leads to the overuse of it and disuse of its counterpart, which results in an imbalance in strength and weakness. All of this gives rise to chronic pain, joint pain, muscle tension, etc. Other consequences include reduced flexibility, reduced strength, reduced range of motion (ROM), and poor posture.

Postural rehabilitation; the treatment

Postural restoration is a physical therapy treatment that holistically addresses musculoskeletal problems by improving postural symmetry. It seeks to maximize neutrality in one’s body so that common postural patterns of the body may be corrected. Besides improving postural adaptations, it also improves the function of the respiratory system in our bodies. The postural rehab program is comprised of a number of exercises specifically designed to achieve a neutral posture. At the beginning of the treatment, simple exercises include lying down, sitting, and standing are stressed upon. Later, as the treatment progresses, you will be guided to try new positions to engage the muscles.

Who can benefit?

Postural rehabilitation adopts a posture-based approach to physical medicine. At Botti Chiropractic & Wellness, we seek to improve a patient’s postural symmetry at the pelvis and trunk, which relieves the stresses that are responsible for joint pain and soft tissue pain. Postural rehabilitation is known to benefit people suffering from conditions such as chronic pain, back, hip or sciatica pain, joint sprains/strainsneck pain, vertigo, knee painfoot painarthritis, spinal cord injuries, and headaches. Also, those facing difficulties with walking or running, and breathing will find relief.

Contact Botti Chiropractic & Wellness and Schedule an Appointment Today

Dr. Valentino Botti, a renowned Oak Lawn chiropractor, has had an immaculate track record of successfully treating people suffering from a number of musculoskeletal conditions. If you or somebody you know is suffering from pain or other related issues mentioned previously, get in touch with Dr. Botti by scheduling an appointment today!

Office Hours


9:00 am - 7:00 pm


9:00 am - 7:00 pm


9:00 am - 1:00 pm


9:00 am - 7:00 pm


9:00 am - 1:00 pm



